Strange flowers on the world and the biggest flowers on the world

Strange flowers on the world and the biggest flowers on the world

There are some kind of stranger flowers on the world which nobody think that they are flowers. This is some kind of flowers with smell of dirty.
King Flower (Rafflesia arnoldii) is the biggest flower on the world. It lives in the jungle forest on Malasia and Indonesia, most of on the Java and Sumaitra continent.

(Hydnora africana) has a red color, lives on the desert of South America. It has a decomposed meat smell to attract insects come in to its mouth.

Dragon flower (Dracunculus vulgaris) has a red color to violet color. This kind of flower has a decomposed meat smell, too.

Amorphophallus sometime can be seen with “Men’s ....”. This kind of flower lives only in Indonesia.

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